Sexy New Men Who’ve Joined Gay Cams in the Last Year

Every day, a man is signing up for a career in stroking his dick live on gay cams. Some of them have been doing this job for years- others got their start recently. Believe it or not, the newbies are the ones who’ve gained a massive haul of success.

Thousands of gorgeous studs are making loads of cash on All they need is a nice look and the desire to get naked for their fans. Some of them take time before they get their big breaks, but others become massive hits in a short amount of time. When a new guy joins the camming world, he puts in the consistency and effort to find the fans who want to see more of him.

In our latest blog, we’ve compiled a list of the latest Flirt models who got their start on live gay porn within the last year. Some are solo models and the rest are couples. This leaves room for all kinds of naughty shows! Whether it’s watching a cutie across the screen stick a dildo in his ass or watching a hot man get pounded by his boyfriend, we can see it all.

Take a look at seven of the hottest studs on live porn who became camming sensations in a short span of time!

Troye Williams– 1 year

Dany Davis– 9 months

Denzel Cosby– 8 months

Thomas and Manson– 7 months

Ares– 7 months

Charlie and Randy– 3 months

Craig and Noah– 2 months

Find thousands of hot cam guys on!


Sam Machado

Sam Machado is a writer based in Los Angeles. He manages several blogs, including Pics of Men, Gay Hub and Sexy Gay Blog. Originally from Riverside CA, Sam received his BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from Humboldt State University. He has written for Hollywood Life, Irvine Weekly and Andrew Christian where he serves as a relationship "sexpert" and interviews porn stars. Musical theater performer. Gym fanatic. Juggler. Leo. Will argue non-stop about pop culture.

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